CHARACTERS | Swallows (John, Susan, Titty, Roger [7 1/2 yrs. old] Walker) Amazons (Nancy, Peggy Blackett) Captain Flint (Jim Turner) Peter Duck Bill Black Jake minor characters: Black Jake's brother George, Fighting Mogandy, Simeon Boon, "the bruiser from 'Ketch as Ketch Can'", Polly the parrot, Gibber the monkey |
LOCATION | Lowestoft Harbour, Crab Island | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TIME | told in the winter of 1930-1, but supposed to be taking place in early summer of 1931 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BOATS | Wild Cat, Swallow, Viper, Wild Cat's dinghy, (Peter Duck's wherry Arrow of Norwich) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(numbers are days, |
NOTES | The first of the "Peter Duck stories" told by the holidaying Swallows and Amazons with Captain Flint during winter evenings--this time in a wherry in the Broads; Susan had gotten her first aid box that Christmas; Sam Bideford was the extra adult who could make it that was supposed to crew; Bill is not as big as John but a good deal bigger than Roger, he is not as old as Nancy; The Amazons had been aboard a bit less than a week before the Swallows and the beginning of the book; Peter Duck had been shipwrecked about 60 years before (about 1870) |