CHARACTERS | Swallows (John, Susan, Titty, Roger [11 yrs. old?] Walker) Amazons (Nancy, Peggy Blackett) D.'s (Dot, Dick Callum) Capt Flint (Uncle Jim Turner) "Dactyl" (Mr Jemmerling) minor characters: young chieftan (Ian "McGinty"), the laird ("The McGinty"), "Dogmudgeon" (Angus), the ghillies, the piper, the sailor from Pterodactyl |
LOCATION | Outer Hebrides, Scotland | ||||||||||
TIME | summer, probably of 1934 | ||||||||||
BOATS | Sea Bear, Pterodactyl, the Sea Bear's dinghy, the folder | ||||||||||
(numbers are days, |
NOTES | There is some debate as to whether or not Great Northern? is a "Peter Duck" story or not; it takes place in summer, as it never completely gets dark at the time of year they are sailing, and that is the nesting season for G.N. Divers; there is no certain year to be determined, but it does take place after Picts and Martyrs (the D.'s have Scarab and know how to sail), so the earliest is 1934; they had been sailing for 10 days before the start of the book, going to Skye, Tarbert, and Portree, among (I'm sure) other places; Mac is the owner of the Sea Bear, and they are bringing her back to him at Mallaig |