logoThe Big Six

CHARACTERS D.'s (Dot, Dick Callum)
Tom Dudgeon
Death & Glories (Joe, Bill, Pete)
George Owden
Mr Tedder
owner of the Cachalot
minor characters: Dr & Mrs (Ella) Dudgeon, Mr Farland, Jim Woodall, Simon, Admiral (Mrs Barrable), Ralph Strakey, Harry Bangate the eel man, the mums of the Death & Glories
LOCATION Norfolk Broads
TIME September 1932 (plus the last chapter takes place on a Saturday morning in late February 1933)
BOATS Titmouse, Death & Glory, Sir Garnet, Cachalot, various boats cast off


(numbers are days,
names are chapter titles)


Out of the Dentist's Window


First Sign of Trouble, Eel Sett at Night


Misleading Appearances, Darkening Clouds


Tow Out of Trouble


The World's Whopper, At the Roaring Donkey, Money to Burn


Breakfast at Dr Dudgeon's, "We Got to Emigrate"


Worse and Worse, Two Ways of Looking at the Same Thing, The First Clue, Rival Detectives


Spreading the Net, News From the Outposts, A Scrap of Flannel


Unwanted Gift, Dunlop Tyres


Morning Visitors, Another Coat of Paint, The Villain Leaves His Mark


The Villain Leaves His Mark, Things Look Black, The Last Chance, A Kid For the Tiger, Setting the Trap, Blinding Falsh, Siege of the Death and Glory


"All the Evidence We Got", In the Dark Room, The Legal Mind


What Happened to the Fish
NOTES Pete had the loose tooth; Death & Glory got a cabin over the summer; Port & Starboard are at school in Paris; Mrs Barrable took a bungalow in the village; Tom is several inches taller than the tallest of the Death & Glories, Tom wears trousers, not just short pants; Dick is described as a smallish boy; D.'s planning on being there until the end of the holidays and again at Easter

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