Entries up to 2015 compiled
by Peter Hyland
Up to date as at March 2022
© Alan Hakim 2022
Alcock, David
Ransome the Duke, 1998(W), 18
Alderman, Debra
‘Best of All Natives’: Great
Parenting Role Models in AR’s Stories, 2006,
Alexander, Ted
AR in St Petersburg, 1996, 4
AR Statuettes, 2021, 74
Ransome the Spy? 2002, 4
Riga Maritime Links Exhibition, 1999(S), 34
TARS Archive, 1997(S), 21
Alston, Ann
AR and the Loss of the Father, 2001, 42
Altounyan, Taqui (talks)
Collingwoods, Altounyans &
AR, vol 1 no 4 (1993), 18
“Sevens”, family reminiscences, 1995, 37
Anderson, Robin
Clifford Webb – Artistic
Coincidence, 1999(W), 3
Coch-y-bonddhu – History & appeal, vol 1 no
3 (1992), 40 (reprinted 2017, 117)
Coch-y-bonddhu sails again, 1995, 20
Lake District pigeons, 2000(S), 20
Modelling Wild Cat Island, 2000(W), 44
Andrews, Jim
In Search of North Pole, vol 1 no 4 (1993), 41
Ransome in Lakeland, 2005, 68
Sailing in Amazon, 1998(S), 12
Ship with 2 Sterns (Wild Cat), 1999(W), 47
A Case of Mistaken Identity, 2001,
Treasures from Trunk (AR’s
effects), 1997(S), 17
Twice Aboard a Wherry, 2004, 51
Andrews, Judy
Dorothea’s Cookbook, 2005, 90
House of Beckfoot, vol 2 no 1 (1994), 55
Was AR’s Great Great Grandfather
a Lifelong Quaker? 2007, 50
Armstrong, Patrick
Dick’s Fieldwork Library, 2010, 21
In the Ship’s Library of the Pterodactyl, 2012, 52
Baker, Mike
A Guilty Secret, 2010, 8
The Real Rattletrap, 2004, 58
Facts, Truth and Signalling to Mars, 2021, 19
Berry, John
A Shaking Experience, 2001, 11
Discovering Swallows and
Ransomes, 2007, 84
Berry, Judy
A Ten-Year Discrepancy, 2001, 15
Bingley, Rev W
Welsh Copper Mining, 2005, 79
Bird, Dennis L
‘But He Can Skate . . .’, 2004, 8
Maurice Griffiths, Magician of
the Swatchways, 2002, 45
Ransome the Yachtsman, 2001, 27
Bird, Hazel Sheeky
“Crammed with Promise”, 2020,
Birt, Christopher
Arthur’s Adventures in Eastern
Europe, 2017, 41
Coch-y-bonddhu – History & appeal, vol 1 no
3 (1992), 40 (reprinted 2017, 117)
In Search of GN? vol 1 no 3 (1992),
Return to the Gaels, 2018, 55
The Making of the DVD: a long and
winding road, 2017, 15
Blamire family
Surprise trip in Amazon, vol 1 no 3 (1992), 3
Bligh, Robin
AR’s Camping, 2002, 57
Blue, Aurora
I dreamt a dream that dreamt of me, 2021, 72
Blue, Martha
T-Eilean Sgitheanach (Isle of Skye, 2020, 105
Bolton, Helen
Family Facts – Nancy and Peggy on
Blacketts and Turners, 2010, 45
Bourne, Gordon
Cadet Walker & HMS Conway, 2000(S), 9
Bradford, Colin R
Return to Ransome, 2003 (S), 33
Bradshaw, Penny
University of Cumbria MA
programme, 2019, 51
Brogan, Hugh
In Conversation (at Pin Mill, 2017), 2020,
Rupert Hart-Davis tribute, 2000(W),
Brooks, Dave
“Do Put that Box out of reach of Somebody!” – AR
letter, 2019, 30
Brown, Carlton A
Public Thank You, 2000(S), 63
Browne, Simon
Ransome and Nesbit, 2003 (W), 40
Ransome, Nesbit and Nansen, 2013, 43
SD chapter heads, vol 1 no 1 (1990), 27
Burns, Flora
TARS Library, Moat Brae, 2019, 45
Calamai, Peter
“AR, Foreign Correspondent”, 2018, 60
Campbell, Sheila
Life Aboard Nancy, 1998(W), 16
Carter, David
Farewell to Carter’s Chronicles, 1999(W), 12
First Charts (with J Andrews), 1996,
Service Career of Comdr Walker, vol 1 no 2 (1991), 19
Catling, Hector
A Visit to the Altounian Family, 2002, 16
Chan, David
Rites of Passage in WD, 1998(W), 50
Chanter, David
Hints to Travellers, 2006, 14
Chitham, Edward
The Swallows and Amazons Series
as Epic, 2013, 24
Christensen, Lis
Fishing in BS, vol 1 no 3 (1992), 18
Clack, Krysia
AR at the British Library, 2021,
Clark, Tim
AR’s Settings Threatened, 1996, 32
Clarke, Bruce
Capn Flint’s Flag, 2000(S), 33
Clarkson, Diane
Celebrating with AR, 1998(S), 8
Colwell, Margaret
Life on the Ransome Trail, 2008, 34
Combe, Bruce
Coot Club –
written in haste? 2010, 23
How Big Was the Lake? 2013, 56
Redrawing the Map, 2018,
The Roar of the Primus, 2015, 69
Why Aren’t the Children at
School? 2014, 69
Connelly, Victoria
A Modern-Day Dorothea, 2009, 39
Cooper, Jeff
Lascelles Abercrombie and AR, 2005, 57
The Ghost Writer who Wasn’t: Ransome’s First ABC,
2021, 13
Cowen, John
Collecting AR, vol 1 no 1 (1990), 30
Obituary of David Rye, 2004, 61
Creasey, Esther
Tensions of Growing Up in SW, 2002, 72
Creegan, Roger
Good, Better, Best: Ranking
Ransome’s Books, 2014, 78
Crisp, Paul
After AR, Literary Problem, vol 1 no 4 (1993), 26
E Coast voyage to AGM, vol 1 no 2 (1991), 10
Swallow II at Salcombe, 1997(W), 42
Returns to Secret Water, 2001, 37
Cunningham, Peter
Nature Notes – GN? vol 1
no 4 (1993), 8
Danĕk, Karel
A Letter to TARS, 2009, 4
Dannatt, Norman
The Pennywhistle, 2000(S), 15
Davies, Robert
Compare and Contrast – the differences between the
Broads and Lake novels, 2017, 37
Rereading Ransome, 2016, 45
Davies, Sheila
In Search of Racundra, 2006, 30
De La Mare, Aidan
& the Anchor, 1999(W), 49
In pursuit of Tom Dudgeon, vol 1 no 4 (1993), 14
Spliced or Served? 1998(W), 20
The Nandi Cub, vol 2 no 1 (1994), 46
Dean, Bob & Eric
Why Kanchenjunga? 1996, 57
Dennis, Mark
Collingwood’s Castle, 1996, 43
Deung, Lucy
The Windsor Ride, 2003 (W), 13
Dingle, Rodney
A Puff for the Master’s Pipe, 2003 (W), 36
Hirondelles dans la Neige, 2004, 15
Riddle-Me-Ree, 2003 (W), 50
Dogan, Allan
A Ransome Oddity, 2003 (S), 39
Dowden, Peter
Virtual TARS, 1996, 8
Drury, Elizabeth
Kanchenjunga with T Nakayama, vol 1 no 1 (1990), 21
Earl, John
“His very pleasant company” –
Arthur Ransome and Edward Thomas, 2010,
Ransome’s Old Men, 2007, 108
Eastman, Kathryn
Môr-leidr – the Real Terror of
the Seas, 2005, 2
Ted Alexander: An Appreciation, 2007, 66
The ‘Bohemia’ proofs, 2007, 52
Edwards, John
Edward Baker Boulton – Australian
Captain Flint, 1998(S), 17
Endersby, Nancy
AR in Egypt – The Murder of the
Sirdar, 2014, 55
Endersby-Harshman, Nancy M
Arthur Ransome in Paris, 2015, 40
Endicott, Paul
Signing Ransome, 2011, 12
Enticott, Daniel
A Long Voyage to the South
Atlantic, 2005, 10
Evans, Brian
Search for Thlee Islands, vol 1 no 4 (1993), 54
Evans, Ted
AR and Hillyard Yachts, 2003 (S), 5
AR’s Crises of Conscience during WWII, 2019,
53; 2020,
Will the Real Lottie Blossom Stand Up for Herself?, 2018,42
Falconer-Salkeld, Bridget
Making of Coot Club, 2019, 72
Master of Signals, 2018, 20
‘Pass the Chocolate’, 2017, 49
Farr, Ann
The Making of the DVD: a long and
winding road, 2017, 15
R L Stevenson, Manuscript by AR, vol 1
no 4 (1993), 50
Return to the Gaels, 2018,
Farringdon, Michael G
Arthur Ransome’s Introductory
Essay to Stories by Hoffman, 2010, 48
S&A – What Happened Next? 2021,34
Flint, Paul
Comdr Walker & Navy of his
Time, 2000(S), 3
Moment in Time – 17 Feb 1930, 2002, 32
Winter Expeditions Today, 1998(W), 46
Floyer, Nicholas
Sailing Event, June 1990, vol 1 no 1 (1990), 9 (reprinted 2017,
Follini, Maida
Dog’s Home, Literary Note on, 2003 (S), 27
Trotsky & AR: the Nova Scotia
Connection, 2002, 15
Foot, Paul
Arthur Ransome’s Journalism, 2004, 21
Gauvain, Jane
The Ascent of Kanchenjunga, 2002, 30
Gibson, Jeremy
Adieu and Farewell, 2000(W), 46
Gilchrist, Elisabeth
“Pigeon Post” and Great
Hartbarrow, 2005, 78
Goodchild, Colum
SA On Stage, vol 1 no 2 (1991), 48
Goodwin, Alan
About Boats, 1999(W), 10
Goodwin, David
Missee Lee and Longitude, 2000(W), 23
Literary Licence or Error of Fact? 2020, 17
Goulder, Jill
A Piece of History Gone:
Altounyan Hospital Demolished, 2001,
AR’s Syrian Boathouse – Found at
last, 2006, 77
Capsized Capsize: the
Compositor’s Dilemma, 2017, 34
Illustrating Nancy, 1995, 22
Molly Blackett Speaks (with B
Hopton), 2008, 51
On the Shelf with AR (with S
Skinner), 1996, 26
Sinbad’s Voyage, 2005, 38
Sparkinson Interviews (with B
Hopton), 2005, 92
TARS in Turkey (Aleppo etc), vol 2 no 1 (1994), 4
Green, Michael
Learning Everything from AR, 2004, 36
Griffiths, Maurice
Cutter Lapwing, 1995, 11
Grimston, Marc
The Secret Life of Commander
Walker, 2015, 10
Hakim, Alan
About Amazon Publications, 2013, 92
Capsized Capsize: the
Compositor’s Dilemma, 2017, 34
TAR in Japan, 1996, 15
‘Uncle Mac’ introduced, 2002, 62
Hall, Duncan
The Humble Hobbit-fancier, 2002, 86
Hambleton, David
Rattletrap and Arthur Ransome’s
Trojan, 2010, 38
Hamilton, David
Sketch of Capn Flint, vol 1 no 1 (1990), 45
Hammett, Brian
Chronology of AR’s Baltic
Sailing, 2002, 49
Hammond, Wayne G
Addenda and Corrigenda to
Bibliography, 2001, 53
A Sentimental Story, 2002, 76
Submarine Ships and Submarine Cities (early AR article), 2021, 11
Hancock, P D
Modelling the Goblin, 2006, 56
Handasyde Dick, Katie
We Did Mean to Go to Sea, 2002, 42
Hardyment, Christina
Adieu & Farewell: Taqui
Altounyan, 2001, 84
AR and the Philosopher’s Stone – The
Elixir of Life, 2019, 25
AR’s Mental Furniture, 1997(W), 49
Entertaining Missee Lee (T
Nakayama), vol 1 no 1 (1990), 19
Farewell to an Adventurer, 2008, 7
From Coniston to Camelot, 2005, 44
Memoirs of a Rolling Stone, 2015, 4
Myles North: the Full Story, 1998(W), 32
Pirates or Pudding Faces? 2000(W), 41
The Secret Valley – Miterdale as
Swallowdale, vol 1 no 1 (1990), 24
(reprinted 2017, 82)
The World of Arthur Ransome
(extract), 2012, 60
What Would Nancy Have Done?
[member survey results] 1998(S), 27
Hashimoto, Miwako
Missee Lee’s Holiday, 2001, 69
Haughey, Fiona
Crab Island Revisited, 1995, 4
Whither the Swallow? (burgee
design), vol 1 no 4 (1993), 39
Haworth, Liz
A Visit to the Print Works, 2011, 83
Heitman, Clint
A Tale of Three Books, 2009, 26
Hicks-Mudd, Iain
The Tape Man Talks, 2002, 81
Hiscock, Susan
Wandering Close to Home, 1995, 52
Hobbs, Iain
Crossley Girls & Esperance, 1998(S), 34
Hodges, Peter
“. . . A Bit of Sailing at
Hampton”, 2011, 3
Another Swallow and Amazon, 2003 (S), 29
AR in Paperback, 1998(W), 26
Baffled by the Red Fox, 2001, 49
Chinese Rig, 2010, 30
La Belle Hélène, 2009, 47
Lost Causes, 1999(W), 46
Memories of Uncle Mac, ML, &
Macao, 1997(W), 15
Modelling Ransome Boats, Small
Boat Conversion, 2013, 70
Octopus Island, 2006, 72
Sea Scout Water, 2002, 59
Slow Boat to China, 2004, 41
& Amazon (RN vessels), 2000(S), 11
Swallowdale, A Special Copy, 2000(W), 28
Those Dramatic S&As, 2007, 88
Homer, David
Ransome Country, 2002, 50
Hopkins, Paul M S
Something Good for Next Year
(origins of stories), 2003 (W), 46
Hopton, Brian
Ghost Artist, 1995, 28
Molly Blackett Speaks (with J
Goulder), 2008, 51
Sparkinson Interviews (with J
Goulder), 2005, 92
Hounsham, Alan
Outward Bound (Lord Nelson), 1995, 26
Hull, Robert, and J Wedick
AR in Holland, 2003 (S), 15
Hunt, Irvine
Racundra –
From “Travels of a Nonentity”, 2008,
Hunt, Peter
AR & Gender (with Sarah
Hunt), 1997(W), 37
The Big Five, 2016, 4
Hyland, Peter
AR as a Regional Author: Myth and
Reality, 2011, 79
AR – Master of Time, 2005, 71
Farland Disciplined, 1999(W), 11
Great Aunt, character sketch, vol 2 no 1 (1994), 14
Inspired by Balzac?, 2020, 65
Jessie Gavin: A Romance that
Might Have Been, 2018, 24
SW, Amazons as Gatecrashers? vol 1 no 2 (1991), 13
Susan, character sketch, vol 1 no 3 (1992), 21 (reprinted 2017, 111)
TARS Voyage – Where Now? [member
survey results] 1998(S), 25
The Missing Natives, 2007, 34
Titty, character sketch, 1996, 9
Inglis, Fred
Prose and Integrity, the character of AR, 2016,
Janes, Diane
Dramatising “Missee Lee”, 2004, 18
Evgenia – a Woman much Maligned?,
2006, 34
On Receiving End (IAGM 2000), 2000(S), 52
Testing Times for ‘Resident
Experts’, 2000(W), 45
Jeffrey, John
Big As You Make Them
(reminiscences), 1999(W), 45, 2000(S),
Ransome Enneagram, 2003 (S), 58
Johns, Tim
Great Frost of 1895, 1998(W), 39
Tribute to, 2009, 46
Johnson, Bill
Reunion, 2000(W), 17
Johnston, Graeme
T E Lawrence, Altounyan
connection, 2004, 14
Jolly, Charlie
Coniston Remembered, vol 2 no 1 (1994), 12
Jones, Andrew
Commander Walker’s Train, 2012, 18
Native Post, 2009, 18
Return Ticket: AR’s Railways
Today, 2011, 44
Jones, David
Busk Family Remembered, 1995, 8
Sir Rupert Hart-Davis, 1999(S), 25
Jones, Julia
A Childhood on Peter Duck, 2011, 15
A Valued Family Member, 2017, 59
Ghosting Home (extract), 2012, 32
Is a Picture Worth a Thousand
Words? 2014, 72
Researching Racundra, 2019, 3
Written for Children? 2012, 28
Kelsall, Dick
Evolution of TARS [member survey
results], 1998(S), 29
The Kipper is the Fish for Me, 2001, 17
Kendall, Roger
Lighthouse Tree, 1997(S), 22
Kennedy, Alan
“A Thoroughly Mischievous Person”, The Other AR
(reviewed), 2021, 101
ML and the Journey into Night, 2021, 25
Reflections on the Great Aunt, 2019, 10
Titty and the Hazel Wand, 2016, 65
“The Lost Girl” – themes of
abandonment, 2018, 11
Who is the Great Aunt? 2020,71
Kennedy, Harold C
Feast not Famine, 2003 (S), 57
Kennedy, Morar
Marvellous Tales, 1996, 30
Kermode, Brian
The Real Norfolk Boat-builders in
CC and BS, 2011, 25
Key, Brian
The Ghost Writer who Wasn’t: Ransome’s First ABC, 2021, 13
King, Hilary
AR – Unsung Hero in Estonia? 1999(W), 31
Sailing Across Lines (AR &
Estonia) vol 2 no 1 (1994), 38
Kotikova, Hana
Czech Book, 2001, 67
Lamont, Catherine
About our Contributors, 2021,
Deep Democracy, AR and ‘The Twelve’, 2021, 60
Emotional Intelligence in Children’s Books, 2020,11
Lambie, Hermia
There is No Plot in Swallowdale! 2014, 5
Lank, Avrum (Avi)
Another Secret in Secret Water? 2012, 78
My Favourite Ransome, 2014, 79
Ransome’s Use of Birds, 2007, 102
Unlikely Readers, 2016, 62
Larner, A J
AR’s Headache Disorder, 2006, 3
Lawrence, Alan
Edouard Wirgo, AR’s friendship, 1999(S), 21
House in the Forest (Estonia), 1997(W), 6
In Wake of Racundra’s Last
Cruise, 1996, 35
Ledgard, Cecily
Genia and Arthur, 2001, 7
Time and Tempo (book review), 2015, 19
Leitch, Sian
Broadland by Canoe, 1999(W), 23
Lewis, Eiluned
Publishers’ Parties, 2004, 56
Lewis, Geraint
AR’s Mountaineering Reference
Points, 2002, 23
Big Screen Ransome, 2003 (S), 18
Copyright &Trademarks – A
Reminder, 2009, 2
Flag on Beckfoot = Start for
Pole? 2003 (W), 4
Nansen’s Igloo – an Inspiration? 2005, 27
Norman Willis’s Presidency of
TARS, an Appreciation, 2009, 56
Secret Archipelago – Thoughts on
John’s Survey, 2003 (W), 26
Waxing and Waning of the Wherry, 2004, 44
We Did Mean to Go to Sea, 2006,
We Did Mean to Go to Sea – with
Eastern Angles, 2008, 38
Lewis, Helen
I Get My Name in Lights (Peggy Blackett), 2003 (S), 20
Lewis, Martin
Arthur’s Bridge (visits to AR
locations), 1999(W), 24
Great Race (TARS Rally 1994), vol 2 no 1 (1994), 43
Where were Coronilla’s moorings? 1995,
Library Assn. Record
Carnegie Medal & AR, 1999(W), 60
Lilius, Aleko E
I Sailed with Chinese Pirates, 1998(W), 3
Lind, Dan
Bird Fanciers in China, 2000(S), 21
Lingley, Janice
Kipling and Ransome: Fairy Picts,
Ancient and Modern, 2011, 30
Peter Duck and Titty Walker, 2007, 19
Secret Water: the Eel Password Deciphered, 2007,
The Picts and the Martyrs: Translating Kipling’s Regulus, et Altera, 2010,
Winter Holiday – Living in a Story, 2008,
Lovelock, Julian
A Pattern of Disappointments:
‘Imitation’ and ‘Rehash’ in the S&A Novels, 2012, 42
“Onward the Same”: The Optimism
of AR’s Swallowdale, 2014, 10
Tatty and the Russian Spies: Review
of the 2016 S&A film, 2016, 56
Lupton, Arthur
A Nephew’s View, 2001, 3
Lupton, Helen
Big, Tweedy and Bristly, 2001, 6
Maas, Douglas,
AR and Canals, 2004, 37
Newcomer’s view of TARS, 1999(W), 39
MacKinnon, Ken
Discovering the Real Swallowdale, 2014, 17
Gaelic Language and Community in
AR’s Great Northern? 2013, 63
Macleod, Valerie
Amazons in SW, vol 1 no 3 (1992), 31
Celebration, Homage, Resolution
and Hope, 2003 (S), 41
Mair, Hamish
“. . . and there was joy . . .”, 2010, 12
Mair, James
What If? 2001,
Marler, Dawn, PD
Lone Pine 5 & HMS Victory, 1999(S), 30
Marshall, Cecily
Not Plisoners (Rudyard 1999), 1999(S), 50
Marshall, Hazel
Beyond 12 Originals, 1999(W), 15
Marshall, Pauline
Lakeside Summers, 1998(S), 36
Matthews, Peter
Crab Island in “Peter Duck” –
Location, Geology, Volcanoes & Earthquakes, 2014, 62
Recreating the Swallow, 2014, 32
When Did They Happen?, 2017, 53;
letter, 2018, 86
Mavor, Michael
Rugby School Speech, 2000(S), 29
McCulloch, Derek (Uncle Mac)
Pen Portrait of AR, 2002, 63
McGlynn, Ian
STA Connection Sends Old Salt to
Tower, 2003 (W), 43
McHugh, Duffy Slavin
Discovering Ransome in Beirut, 2006, 83
McLusky family
Dick Callum Cup 2000, 2000(S), 48
Miller, Elsie M
Alistair Anderson: An
Appreciation, 2003 (W), 6
Mikhail, Fadi (with Sophie
Painting Swallows and Amazons,
Milward, Sue
Annisgarth School, 2007, 27
Morley, Andrew
Elusive Kettle, 1996, 49
Morrison, Malcolm
Interpreting Ransome, 2003 (W), 8
Take Notice at Coniston, 2001, 41
The Wedding of Arthur and Ivy:
Some New Information, 2015, 31
Murphy, Jessie
Hunt for Black Jake’s Treasure, vol 1 no 2 (1991), 27
Murray, Adrian
Kanchenjunga - Untrodden Peak, 1996, 54
Murray, Hugh
Taught by Ransome, 2008, 15
Myatt, Claudia
‘Illustrated by the Author’: an
illustrator’s reflections on AR’s drawings, 2012, 24
Napier, Tom
Dating the Fram by Moonlight, 2002,
“I don’t know what the law is in
these parts”, 2011, 10
Natives, Cash and Class, 2007, 44
The Moon and the Picts, 2003 (W), 44
Neville, Sophie
Bows and Arrows, 2018, 3
Painting Swallows and Amazons, 2016, 19
“X Marks the Spot where they Ate Six Missionaries”, 2019, 17; 2020,16
Nichol Findlay, Kirsty
Arthur Ralph Ransome Lupton
1924-2009, 2009, 42
First Fish? 2001,
Reading Ransome Overseas – a compilation, 2021, 87
Verse, Best of Ransome’s, 2020, 50
Offley, Joan
Bermuda & Crab Island, 1998(W), 44
Much-Loved Collection, 2003 (S), 37
My Fram was Caravan, 1999(W),
Grabs her Chance, 2000(W), 21
Selena King Slipped by Me, 1998(W), 42
Paget, Cheryl
AR and Katherine Mansfield, 2019,
Great Aunt Nancy or Not Welcome At All, 2015,
Ashley Gibson: From Bohemia to Outward Bound, 2020, 3
Palmer, Greg
Peter Duck, sailing qualities, vol 1 no 1
(1990), 36
The Marine Bath-Chair Afloat – Peter Duck, summer cruise, vol 1 no 2 (1991), 30 (reprinted 2017, 91)
cruise in wake of, vol 1 no 4 (1993),
Russia, visit to St Petersburg, vol 2 no 1 (1994), 20
Paull, Keith
AR as dowser, vol 1 no 3 (1992), 34
Knots used in SD, vol 1 no 1 (1990), 40
Small Boy’s Heaven, 2003 (S), 31
The Bottle in Houseboat Bay –
Launch of TARS, vol 1 no 1 (1990), 6
(reprinted 2017, 74)
Pearson, John
Mens Sana in Corpore Sano, 2005, 82
Ransome and Languages, 2020, 40
Swallows and Fillies? AR in
Hungarian, 2006, 59
Peglitsis, Nicolas
A Letter to Taqui, 2001, 80
In the Footsteps of Mrs Barrable,
2005, 47
Peters, Will, via Diana Sparkes
I Called on AR, 1997(W), 5
Picha, Dr Josef
Rising in the East: the Czech AR
Club, 2001, 65
Pickering, JoJo
Racundra’s Last Cruise, 2016, 11
Pierce, Richard
Franklin-Eldridge Boatyard, 2000(S), 18
Plenty, Roger
Beckfoot, 2012, 64
Pritchard, Colin
In Defence of Secret Water, 2013, 41
Ransome in Slocum, 2015, 16
Why Kanchenjunga? 1996, 56
Quinan, Adam
Cut Off Before Their Prime, 2003 (W), 38
Is This Dick’s Bird Book? 2005, 35
The Chemistry of Pigeon Post, 2006, 22
Ransome, Arthur
A Financial Proposition: A
Sentimental Story, 2002, 77
Blue Treacle (extract), vol 1 no 2 (1991), 35
Brief autobiography (1934), vol 1 no 3 (1992),
11 (reprinted 2017, 106)
Indestructibles, 2015, 29
On a Certain River, 2001, 21
Saturday Articles. See ‘Saturday Articles’ in Subject Index
The Desert Island, vol 1 no 1 (1990), 10 (reprinted 2017,
The Other Sort of Pike-Fishing, 2001, 23
The Souls of the Streets, 2015, 59
Two Poems, 2021, 68
Thorstein’s Country, 2015, 25
Ransome, Evgenia
Letter to TARS member, vol 1 no 2 (1991), 61 (reprinted
2017, 97)
Ratcliffe, Margaret
AR at Grange-over-Sands 1965, 1999(W), 37
AR trail in N Leeds, 1999(S), 11
Building an AR Library, 2000(W), 31
Discerning Readers, 2002, 89
Fancies Flee Away, 2008, 54
Focus on the Garrick Guys, 2018,
Genetic Building Blocks: a
Postscript, 2012, 75
His Name was Ernie …, 2017, 4
Indulge the Pleasure of your
Heart, 2006, 17
“It is Impossible to Read Too
Well” (AR), 2003 (S), 44
Jessie & Edith Ransome (AR’s
aunts), 1998(S), 2
Runners & Riders in the
Literary Stakes, 2001, 60
Seend Then and Now, 2002, 12
The Library Has You in Mind, 2003 (W), 52
The Peak District Ds, 2001, 26
Visit to AR’s Leeds home, 1997(S), 4
Rawlins, Clive
Broads Sailing Made Easy, 2003 (S), 22
Ray, Sheila
Broad-minded in the 1950s, 2006, 69
Down to the Aral Sea: the Oxus
Books, 2002, 65
Introduction to “AR’s Journalism”
by Paul Foot, 2004, 21
Treasures from TARBID, 2005, 99, 2006, 87, 2007, 68
Two Nancys: More Blacketts
(adapted by Jill Goulder), 2000(W),
Reeves, Terry
On first Looking into
“Swallowdale”, 2007, 79
Ridsdale, Brian
Visit to Lakeside, vol 1 no 1 (1990), 13
Rines, Mike
The Life of Nancy Blackett, 2006, 42
Restoring Nancy Blackett, 2020, 26
Roberts, Owen
A Statistical View of Lake
District Bases, 2010, 36
A View of the Lakes – Some
Thoughts, 2008, 2
AR’s Use of Lake District Names, 2009, 53
Pigeon Post Preparations, 2011, 72
Smoking a Pipe with AR, 2006, 85
and Amazon, 2012, 57
“Swallowdale”: the Missing Pages,
2007, 75, 2008, 19
Roberts, Rachel
Spirit of Adventure (Windermere Jetty Museum), 2019,
Robinson, Bill
The Search for Happiness, 2003 (W), 51
Roche, Peter
Appreciation of Greg Palmer, 1997(W), 3
Ipswich AGM Weekend 1991, vol 1 no 2 (1991), 4
On TARS incorporation, 1997(W), 55
Rosindale, Christopher
Volcanoes in Peter Duck?, 2016,
Ross, Jonathan
SA holiday at Lakeside, vol 1 no 2 (1991), 56
Rosthorn, Andrew
AR a Soviet Agent? 1996, 63
Rowlandson, Maurice
More about Redonda, 1998(W), 19
Royle, Russell
Bridge over Bure (Horstead
Centre), vol 1 no 2 (1991), 54
Ryton, Charlotte
Dorothea: Neglected Character, 1995, 30
Ransome and the Fairies, 2002, 83
Ryton, Charlotte, and Wotton, Joy
Stirring Events of 1930, 2000(W), 29
Sanders, Brigit
Amazon –
alive & well, vol 1 no 3 (1992),
AR in Russia, Lola Kinel, 1997(S), 32
Poem by AR for Dr J Rickman, 1997(W), 40
Russell Royle, tribute, vol 2 no 1 (1994), 3
Titty Altounyan, appreciation, 1998(W), 14
Sanders, John
T E Lawrence & the Altounyans,
2004, 11
Saunders, Kath
Messing about in Boats, 2007, 3
Savage, Roger
AR & Japanese Connections, 1997(W), 31
Schneider, Joan
An Irish Nancy, 1999(S), 15
A view of Kanchenjunga, 2017, 10
Seccombe, Roger
An AR Childhood, 2000(W), 13
Forgotten Story, 2001, 71
Great Frosts, 2005, 22
“In Bohemia” – Thoughts on
reading “Bohemia in London”, 2007,
Ransome and “The Riddle”, 2007,93
Selby, Robin
The 100th Port and
Miss Lee’s Islands, 2018, 16
Seward, Adrian
Encounter with Tall Ship, vol 2 no 1 (1994), 32
Sewart, Dave
AR display in local bookshop, 1995, 60
Looking into “Swan & her
Crew”, vol 1 no 4 (1993), 69
Sex on Quarter Deck, vol 2 no 1 (1994), 34
Venturers Cruises on Broads, 1999(W), 9
Shaw, Alasdair
20 Answers to 20 Questions, 2013, 7
Sheeky Bird, Hazel see
Bird, Hazel Sheeky
Sheridan, Carlisle
Landscapes in SA, 1996, 20
“Wough” of the Bellows (poem), 1995, 58
Simmonds, Adrian
Kanchenjunga & the Roof of
the World, 2005, 12
Overland to the Amazon, 2003 (W), 18
Skinner, Shirley
4th Literary Weekend, report, 1997(W), 22
Slowe, Vicky
Coniston Connection (Ruskin
Museum), 1997(S), 12
Smith, Theresa
Janet Gnosspelius, 2010, 56
Snook, Judy
Greenwich 2003: TARS Literary
Weekend, 2003 (W), 10
Spottiswoode, Amanda
He Took Me Sailing on Our First
Date, 2002, 40
Stanley, Peter
Arthur Ransome’s ‘Toys’: objects
that mattered, 2012, 4
Stephenson, Chris
AR Weekend, Norwich 1990, vol 1 no 1 (1990), 33
Stevens, Einar
“Knight on Sailing”, vol 1 no 2 (1991), 16
Round Selsey Bill in AR’s wake, 1997(W), 25
Voyage to Blakeholme, vol 1 no 1 (1990), 46
Sturge, Roger
1939 and 1941, 2011, 49
Sutcliffe, Peter
Lawrence of Arabia’s Altounyans, 2003 (W), 35
Sykes, Stephen
“Hill Top” – The Ransomes’ House,
2014, 45
The Curious Case of High Ealinghearth, 2021, 79
Tasumi, Sayoko
Letter from Another Northern
Lake, 2003 (W), 15
Tate, Ann
Birdwatcher’s Year – Secret
Water, 2011, 7
Taylor, Kirstie
AGM 2000 experiences, 2000(S), 49
Footnote to RLS … and the Crab Connection, 2020,
Lit Weekend 1999 report, 1999(W), 51
Museum Man, 2000(W), 42
Petrograd in 1917, 2016,
Thewlis, Dave et al
TARS Lit. Rescue Party, 1996, 47
Literary Licence on Mars, 2021, 7
Thomas, Margaret
“Aladdin”, AR’s version, 1997(S), 27
Influence of Mothers, 1996, 33
Thomas, Tiggy
Defence of Proper Camping, vol 1 no 4 (1993), 46
Thompson, Anne
Give Nancy her Due, vol 1 no 3 (1992), 15 (reprinted 2017, 108)
Thompson, Robert
Appointment with Scarab, 1999(S), 54
Ransome and Britten – What Might
Have Been? 2000(W), 3
Rebirth of a Boathouse – or
Three, 2010, 59
Swallows and Anagrams, 2001, 64
Tabitha – Part of Story or
Coincidence? 1999(W), 18
The many Faces of Flint, 2011, 66
Thomson, Kenneth
“Great Northern?” (talk
transcript), 2003 (S), 46
Secret Waters Run Deep, 1999(W), 27
Thorn, John
AR & Great White Whale, 1995, 42
Tillinghast, Ellen
Tea with Ransomes, vol 1 no 3 (1992), 5 (reprinted 2017, 100)
Tonisson, Andres
In Tracks of AR (to Roogo), vol 2 no 1 (1994), 40
Towne, David
Evocative Words from AR, 1997(W), 29
Townend, Matthew
Collingwood & AR, vol 2 no 1 (1994), 52
Early Ransome: Five Notes, 2011, 39
Place-names in Lake novels, 1996, 66
Ransomes and Collingwoods, 2002, 8
Tucker, Jon
What Type of Grandmother would
Captain Nancy have Become? 2015, 51
Tuson, Micky
Marryat’s influence on AR, 1998(W), 23
Tylecote, John
Coniston Memories, 2005, 80
Uhr, Phil
Coniston, 1997(S), 26
Venables, Dione
Letter to the Editor, 2017, 70
Verizhnikova, Tatiana
AR, Author & Artist, vol 2 no 1 (1994), 24
Vogeler, Dr Albert R
The Ransome Collection at
Fullerton, 2000(W), 33
Wade, Donald K
“Titty Mouse & Tatty Mouse”, 1998(W), 30
Walker, Mark
The Pemmican Story, 2017,
Wardale, Roger
A Natural Genius for Small Boats,
2008, 20
A Swallow’s Tale, 2014, 24
All conjecture . . .(origins of
SA), 1997(W), 45
Houseboat History, vol 1 no 4 (1993), 28
Polar Coffee, 2011, 81
Producing “Aladdin”, 1997(S), 29
Selena King – Alive & Well, 1997(W),
Seven Stages of a Ransome Reader,
2003 (W), 50
Susie Altounyan, an Appreciation,
2003 (S), 4
Swallow, Search
for Original, vol 1 no 2 (1991), 9
Swallow’s Tale (Swallow II), vol 1 no 2 (1991), 6 (reprinted 2017, 87)
The Ransome of Romney Marsh, 2001, 45
Waterhouse, Barbara & Gordon
Racundra’s First Cruise followed,
2011, 54
Watts, Ron
Alma Cottage then and now, 2005, 41
Wedick, Jenny, and R Hull
AR in Holland, 2003 (S), 15
Weeks, Chris
SB Xylonite, 2000(S), 54
Welch, Roderick
Visit to Peel Island, vol 1 no 1 (1990), 48
Welch, John
Ransome’s Daughter, 2018,
Wells, P H
AR - Railway Enthusiast? 1998(W),
Weston, Hilary
AR Unsung Hero in Estonia? 1999(W), 31
Help! (camping experiences), vol 1 no 3 (1992), 13
Interview with Jun. Coordinator, 1999(S), 56
Sailing in 60 foot ketch, vol 1 no 4 (1993), 30
White, Keith
Crossing Greenland: Why Winter Holiday? 2012, 76
Wilkins, Alan
“AR” returns to Low Ludderburn, vol 1 no 4 (1993), 51
Origins of Signals to Mars, vol 1 no 3 (1992), 27
Wilkins, Owain (translator)
Gwenoliaid a Amazons am Byth! 2005, 98
Willis, Norman
Some Presidential Patterans, 2004, 3
Willis, Peter
Adieu to Brigit, 2000(S), 46
A Postcard from AR, 2006, 10
AR on the South Coast, 2007, 8
Big Six at 80, 2020, 88
Coch-y-bonddhu’s Adventures, 1999(S), 29
Cover Story, 2001, 50
GN? Fantasy or reality? vol 2 no 1 (1994), 48
Imaginary Conversations, 1996, 24
Jolly Long Way (Teasel’s voyage), 1997(S), 19
Literary Tourism Afloat, 2008, 40
Nancy Blackett Appeal, Success, 1997(S), 40
Nancy Blackett’s First Year, 1998(S), 32
Ransome at Sea – a talk for the
2013 IAGM (Peter Duck and We Didn’t Mean), 2013, 31
Selina King comes home, 2017, 50
Strong Winds series, 2019, 67
Wilson, Paul
Mixed Moss Indexes, 2021, 52
Wilson, Winifred
Knit as Ransome Knitted?, 2018, 73
‘One of my friends and relations’
said Rabbit carelessly, 2011, 61
Serendipitous Reading, 2006, 64
Wood, Garry
Another ‘Wade’ a long way from Essex,
2011, 21
A Real Life Ben Gunn, 2010, 3
Firefighters’ Coach Horns and the GA, 2016,
Leading Beacons, a Lighthouse
& a Signal Station, 2008, 44
Mrs Barrable, the Teasel
and Painting in Oils, 2018, 36
South Sea Schooners and
Barquentines, 2009, 30
Woodman, Richard
Despatch from St Petersburg, 1995, 14
The Real Missee Lee? vol 1 no 2 (1991), 47 (reprinted 2017, 96)
Woolf, Gabriel
Interview with I Hicks-Mudd, 2002, 81
Missing, 2011, 68
Recording PP, 1995, 45
Ted Alexander: An Appreciation, 2007, 66
Wotton, Joy
The Real Women Pirates, 2003 (S), 11
Wray, George
A Sextant at 70, 1997(W), 53
and All That, 2003 (S), 9
Finding Ransome and TARS, 2007, 82
Imaginary Conversations, 1999(W), 41
North Pole site, 1999(W), 30
Not Welcome at All, 2001, 73
Poem (untitled), vol 1 no 4 (1993), 25
Wright, Peter
Inspired by Ransome: Tim Bowler, Carnegie Medal
winner, 2016, 31
Literary Weekend in Durham, 2001, 61
PP to Lark (Carnegie
Medal), 2021, 43
We Did Mean to Go to Sea, 2006, 41
Wright, Richard
Angle on the books of Monica Edwards, 2002, 71