Ransome-Related Downloads

This page is a respository for links to downloads of fonts, programs, tools, and other downloadable items of interest to Ransome enthusiasts. Please offer recommendations and links to additional items which you believe would be of interest to "Ransomites".

Be warned that since some of these links are external, it is possible that over time some external links may no longer be valid. If you find such a bad link, we would appreciate it very much if you would take a minute to notify me so it can be either fixed, or removed from this page.

To recommend an addition or give notification of a bad link, please eel-mail Dave Thewlis.

Nancy Blackett Semaphore Font

Semaphore font in TrueType format (TTF), contributed by Roland Harris. Please see Nancy Blackett Semaphore Font.

GIF Images of NB Semaphore Font

These are GIF images of the Nancy Blackett Semaphore Font above, contributed by John Giddy of AusTARS, who wanted an animated "Swallows and Amazons For Ever" for the AusTARS website. They come in two versions, one with only the semaphore letters, and one with the equivalent english letter by each semaphore letter for folks who don't know the semaphore alphabet by memory. Each includes two versions of the "L" and includes the "rest" figure used between words and phrases which can be used as a word break. The images are 60x60 pixels on transparent background. These GIFs can be used as simple graphic images, or they can be assembled with a GIF Animation program to spell out anything you like. Each version is provided as a ZIP file containing all of the images. Please see Semaphore Stick Figures and Semaphore Stick Figures with Letters. Here are examples of using the stick figures with a GIF animation program: Swallows and Amazons Forever and Swallows and Amazons Forever with English Letters.

Signals Semaphore Font

The Semaphore font used on the front page of Signals, the TARS publication, contributed by Dave Sewart. Please see Signals Semaphore Font.

Ship's Clock

The Ships Clock application will ring a bell on every half-hour in the style of the standard ship's clock. The application is available for Windows and Mac computers, and soon for Linux. Please see http://shipsclock.sourceforge.net/intro.

Sailing Simulator

This is a Sailing Simulator from the National Geographic. It shows the relative effects of the position of the sail and rudder with respect to the wind direction and the facing of the boat. For someone new to sailing, it can explain a lot about the various angles involved. (It requires the Flash plug-in.) Recommended by Ed Kiser. Please see National Geographic Sailing Simulator.

Ed Kiser's Blue Sky Star Mapper

This contribution from Ed Kiser is a DOS program to create an image of the sky as you see it from a particular place and time. It was written in 1990 by Ichiroh Sasaki of Japan. The link will download a ZIP file. Place it in a folder and UNZIP it to the same filder. Then execute BLUESKY.EXE to run the program (the other .EXE files are subprograms and cannot be individually run.) This program works on Windows through WinXP/SP2. It has not been tested on Windows Vista. To download, click here: Blue Skies Planatarium.

Ed Kiser's Morse Code Training Program

A Morse Code training program for Windows computers oriented towards Swallows & Amazons types of usage. See Ed Kiser's Morse Program.

Other Morse Code Programs

This is a link to a number of different programs, mostly for learning Morse Code. These are almost all associated with learning morse as audible dits and dahs for Amateur Radio (HAM) Operators, rather than the flashing lights or waving flags used by the Swallows, Amazons and D's. However, if you find one that you think would be of particular interest to AR enthusiasts, especially Juniors, please let me know so I can point it out! See AC6V's Morse Code Trainers page. WARNING: At least one of the programs offered on the AC6V page, Morse Machine, appears to be Malware. Use caution with any of these!

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